The Thunderbird Football Team will be having their first annual give back to the community Saturday the 18th.  They will be working in Auxvasse at the park.  Players that can attend need to be at the park at 2:00.  They will be helping with mulch on the playground and re potting 4 flower pots on Main Street.  There will be a bonfire afterwards.  If you have any questions, you can email Coach O’Neal or call Milo Henry.

   Also, football camp begins next week.  Camp will be going from 6-9 pm Monday, Tuesday, and WednesdayThursday camp will start at 5:30 pm because we will be scrimmaging Fulton.  There is a parent meeting following the scrimmage on Thursday at 7:30Friday, we will be leaving the high school at 4:30 to go to St. Dominic for a scrimmage.
Practice starts on August 3rd.  We will be practicing from 6 – 9 pm.  Physicals must be completed before practicing.

Softball Summer schedule


Weightroom workouts every Monday thru Thursday 6:30-8:30 a.m.

June 15-Softball skills at Auxvasse 8:30 a.m. to 12

June 16, 17-High School softball at Centralia-all day

June 23-Softball skills at Auxvasse 8:30 a.m. to 12

July- 7-Softball skills at Auxvasse 8:30 a.m. to 12

July- 13-Softball skills at Auxvasse 8:30 a.m. to 12

July14, 15-High School softball at Centralia-all day

July 20-23 Jr. High Camp at Auxvasse 7:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.

July 20-23 High School Camp at Auxvasse 9:00 a.m.-12

Aug 3rd-Fall Practice begins-Times TBA

Football Summer Schedule

Contact dates football

CMU Camp June 1 – 7

– June 1-4 practice at high school from 6-8

– June 5 leave for camp in Fayette @ 9 am from high school

– June 7 Return from CMU camp @ 11:00

High School Team Camp July 20 – 23, 6 – 9pm

July 24 team scrimmage @ St. Dominic

-bus will leave @ 5 pm


August 3 practice starts, 6-9 pm

Cross Country Summer Schedule Announced

Schedule for summer XC.

June 1st High School (concession stand) Craghead/Jeffries

June 8th Covered bridge W. 2nd and Nichols St. Fulton (Memorial Park) – Jeffries

June 15th HS Craghead/Jeffries

June 20th – Fulton Street Fair 5K (more info to come)

June 22nd HS Craghead

July 6th Covered bridge W. 2nd and Nichols St. Fulton (Memorial Park) Craghead/Jeffries

July 13th Off

July 20th Covered bridge W. 2nd and Nichols St. Fulton (Memorial Park) Jeffries

Aug 3rd First HS practice


President- Cassidy Jones

Vice President: Chayla Hoffman
Treasurer- Kenny Taylor
Secretary-Samantha Reifsteck
Sentinel- Hunter Riecke
Reporter- Kaycee Sims
Co Historians- Aren Schleirmacher & Abigail Brown
Chaplain- Skyler Barker
Parliamentarian- Levi Gilman