Congrats to Milo Henry on reaching 100 wrestling wins.
Courtwarming, Hall of Fame, Senior Nights announced!
North Callaway will be celebrating Senior Night for Boys Basketball and Cheer on Tuesday Feb 14th. First game starts at 5:30.
Girls basketball Senior Night will be Thursday Feb 16th. First game starts at 5:30
Courtwarming game begins Friday Feb 17th starting at 5:30. Hall of Fame inductions will be between the 2 games. Courtwarming ceremony will be after the varsity game. They gym will remain open after for social time.
Come join us as we celebrate 50 years of NORTH CALLAWAY!
“ORANGE” You glad You’re From North Callaway?
On Feb 3rd, Elsberry had an “Orange Out” to raise money for a kindergarten girl with an inoperable Brain tumor. North Callaway Students, Faculty, and Coaches chipped in to raise $1007 for their cause. STUCO President Amariah Ferguson and Vice President Samantha Schaefer presented them with the check. Words cannot express how incredibly forunate we are to be associated with the North Callaway Students, Faculty, and Coaches. Below are a few correspondences we received from the Elsberry administration.
What a supremely kind and selfless gesture on the part of your students to donate to Elsberry’s Orange Out the Night benefit for the Long family. Please extend my gratitude and appreciation to the student body and all involved. It was a very classy act. The spirit of community giving always restores my faith in humanity. Thank you again.
Jason Miller,
Elsberry Middle School Principal

Wrestlers Have Another Great Saturday!
Jadon Henry was tournament Champion and Chad Maupin places second at the Plattsburg Tournament. Milo Henry placed 4th, James Haubner 5th, Cameron Cochran 6th, and Mason Wortmann 7th. Great job!!
Volleyball Players Earn Honors!
Congrats to Alyssa Moore, Sydney Harrison, Allyson Eichman, Nicole Emmons, Claire Murray, and Colleen Meffert (not pictured) for earning Academic All-State Volleyball Honors!
Great Basketball Week at Bowling Green Tournament!
Congrats to The boys and girls basketball teams for their efforts at the Bowling Green Tournament.. The Boys earned the consolation trophy and the Girls won 2nd place. North Callaway also earned the Sportsmanship award! Thanks for making us Thunderbird Proud!
Wrestlers Excel at Buffalo!
Chad Maupin and Jadon Henry won their division of the Thundering Hurd Wrestling Tournament at Buffalo Mo. Milo Henry and Cameron Cochran also earned medals.