Senior Spotlight

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NCHS Senior Spotlight: After high school, Erica plans to attend college at MACC in Columbia. One of her favorite memories in high school was, “My Sophomore year our Biology Club took a field trip to the Saint Louis Zoo. We had a bunch of fun with fellow students and our Biology teacher Ms. Houchins, and I enjoyed learning about the animals and getting to see them in person. It was a trip that I won’t forget anytime soon!” Erica’s advice to underclassmen is, ” Don’t be afraid to be open to new opportunities. There were moments when I would be scared to try something new but in the end it became some of my favorite things about high school. So don’t be scared about the unknown and go into a new situation with an open mind, and you will be happy about the unexpected outcome.” We are very proud of you Erica! The teachers, staff, and administrators of NCHS wish you the very best in your life journey beyond high school. Congratulations! #ThunderbirdProud