Month: April 2020
Lights on for Seniors!

Lights, for our seniors, will be on tonight beginning at 8:20 pm at both the NCHS football field and softball/baseball field. Due to technical difficulties, the scoreboard surprise is postponed to next Friday. #ThunderbirdProud
NCHS Senior Spotlight!

NCHS Senior Spotlight: From Kelly Wright…
My favorite memory in high school was definitely talking to Mr. Jobe when I would be having a horrible day, even though I would cry my eyes out he would listen and talk me through everything and make sure I was doing okay, generally letting me know he cares . My grade school memory is probably when Abigail and I got to skip class for like two weeks to copy, print and illustrate this big book for one of the teachers at Williamsburg in 8th grade. What makes me most “Thunderbird Proud” is: the one an only club I joined was art club with Mrs. Eberts, She always made it really fun, I loved that I learned more then I expected in art club. I really did enjoy learning more about art and all the hands on things I got to do and make. The legacy advice I would leave to underclassmen is, “Do all the school activities you possibly can because one day you’re gonna look back and think, ‘I should have done this or I should have done that and it’s going to be too late.’ So, soak up the time you have left in high school. It goes by faster then you think.”
Great advice! We are so PROUD of you Kelly! Congratulations! The teachers, administration, and staff at NCHS wish you the very best in your life journey beyond high school. #ThunderbirdProud
NCHS Senior Spotlight

NCHS Senior Spotlight: From Mariah Enerson…
My favorite memory in high school was helping anyone who needed it and being office assistant. In elementary my favorite teacher was Mrs. Wimmer. She was always nice and caring. For 3 years of high school I was in choir I got to see and experience a lot of great things. That is what made me the most Thunderbird Proud. My advice for the underclassmen is, “No matter what happens just keep going!”
Great advice! We are very PROUD of you Mariah. Congratulations! The administration, staff, and teachers of NCHS wish you all the best in your life journey beyond high school. #ThunderbirdProud
NCHS Senior Spotlight

NCHS Senior Spotlight: From Savannah Littlefield…
My favorite memory in high school was storming the football field after winning the Callaway Cup my sophomore and senior year! In grade school, my favorite memory would have to be going to Six Flags the summer after our eighth grade year. The thing that makes me the most Thunderbird Proud is our B-Squad. I love the support and energy our student section creates for our athletes and being apart of it was one of my greatest high school experiences! My advice to the underclassmen would be to “not wish it away. I remember being a freshman and thinking senior year was so far away. It goes by faster than you think it will.”
Great advice! We are very PROUD of you Savannah! Congratulations! The staff, teachers, and administration of NCHS wish you much success in your life journey beyond high school! #ThunderbirdProud
NCHS Senior Spotlight

NCHS Senior Spotlight: From Tanner Taylor…
My favorite memories in high school were playing in all the basketball games, meeting new friends, and spending time at sporting events and games! My advice for the underclassmen ” Get involved in anything you think you might want to do and do the most with your time. It will be over before you know it and you will miss it. Don’t ever look back and say I wish or man I miss it. Stay Thunderbird Proud.”
We are very PROUD of you Tanner! Congratulations! The administration, teachers, and staff at NCHS wish you the very best in your life journey beyond high school #ThunderbirdProud
NCHS Students At Home!

NCHS Students At Home…..Will Jeffries with his yard sign from the NCHS Music Department! #ThunderbirdProud
NCHS Music Department Shares some love for their Seniors…

The Music Department shared some love with their seniors today. The Music Department Seniors are Miriam Lauer, Bethany Morris, Charles Moore, Emily Smith, Finnian Clark, Jayme Smith, William Jeffries and Cameron Moser. We miss you dearly! #ThunderbirdProud
NCHS Senior Spotlight!

NCHS Senior Spotlight: From Joshua Riecke…
My favorite thing about high school was FFA contest season and in grade school was me and Will getting yelled at every day to shut up in math class! The atmosphere was the thing that makes me Thunderbird Proud. We always had fun in Ms.Harper’s Great Books, or out in the shop with Mr. Womack.. My advise to underclassmen would be, “Don’t take yourself so seriously. Nobody really cares if you are wearing fancy clothes, or have the most money. Just be yourself.”
Great advice! We are PROUD of you Josh! Congratulations! The teachers, staff, and administration of NCHS wish you much success on your life journey beyond high school. #ThunderbirdProud