NCHS Senior Spotlight

NCHS Senior Spotlight: From Finnian Clark…I think that my favorite part of both high school and grade school was making the friends that I have now. I am so thankful for them, and the constant support that they have provided me throughout the past years. What makes me the most Thunderbird Proud was my four year dedication to Baseball and Choir. I have two bits of advice to leave the underclassmen with. 1: Never take what you have, or where you are, for granted. Everything that you worked for could be gone all too soon. Cherish the memories and the people that you met forever. 2: Try something new, whether that thing be Drama, art, or basketball. If you don’t do it now, there may not be a chance for you to do it later. At the end of the day, what have you got to lose? Fantastic advice! We are so PROUD of you Finnian! Congratulations! The teachers, administration, and staff of NCHS wish you much success in your life journey beyond high school. #ThunderbirdProud