5th and 6th Grade basketball Fun Night Announced

Please be looking for this flyer to be handed out at your school.

5th and 6th Grade Basketball Fun Night

Who:        Any 5th and 6th Grade Girl or Boy

When:     Boys:        April 27th   (Thursday)

                 Girls:        April 28th   (Friday)

Time: 6:00-9:00 p.m. (Feel free to pick up your child earlier if you need to)

Where:    North Callaway High School Gym

Cost:        Absolutely Nothing.  It is FREE!

Why:        To HAVE FUN and Play Basketball!


What will we do? 

We will learn and practice the fundamentals of basketball and play games for about an hour and a half.

Then it’s pizza and movie time!  The movie, pizza, and water will be provided.

This basketball fun night is being put on by the High School Girls and Boys Basketball Coaches and Players.


If you have questions please contact

Coach Matt Miller at:

Cell: 660-329-2501

Email: [email protected]


Please detach the bottom portion and turn in to your building secretary by Monday April 24th.


Name:                                                         Grade:

Circle One:       Boy          Girl

____ I plan on attending this Basketball Fun Night       J

____ Unfortunately I will not be able to attend             L

JV Baseball Tournament Schedule Announced

Below is information for the 4 team JV baseball tournament @Southern Boone this Saturday.

4 team JV tournament on 4-8-2017.


  • Southern Boone
  • Fatima
  • North Callaway
  • Hallsville


Game Times:

  • 8:30 AM– Southern Boone vs. North Callaway
  • 10:30 AM– Fatima vs. Hallsville
  • 12:30 PM– 3rd place Game
  • 2:30 PM– Championship



No infield or outfield before any games

7 inning games with a 1:45 min time limit

10 after 5 run rule

Games will start 15 min after each other- we will start early- umpires time to change and then play ball

Flip for Home Team

Both teams help chase foul balls- we will provide game balls if both teams will chase.

Montgomery County Baseball Tournament Schedule

Montgomery County Baseball Tournament

April 2017

Montgomery County North Callaway
Clopton Mark Twain
Wellsville South Callaway


Wednesday April 5th 2017


@ Montgomery County


@ North Callaway

Clopton vs. Montgomery 2:00pm N. Callaway vs. S. Callaway
Wellsville vs Clopton 4:00pm S. Callaway vs. Mark Twain
Montgomery vs Wellsville 6:00pm Mark Twain vs. N. Callaway

Final Games on Saturday April 8th and will be played at Montgomery County. Times and opponents TBA