Senior Spotlight
NCHS Senior Spotlight: After high school, Morgan’s plans are to attend MACC and enroll in the Vet Tech program. Her favorite memory in high school was, “All the fun times with FFA and the Trap Team and meeting new friends.” Morgan’s advice to underclassmen is, “Always strive to do your best and never take yourself for granted. ” We are so proud of you Morgan. The staff, administrators, and teachers of NCHS wish you the very best in your life journey beyond high school. Congratulations! #ThunderbirdProud

Senior Spotlight
NCHS Senior Spotlight: After high school, Logan plans to go directly into the work force at Lacrosse Lumber. His favorite memory in high school was, “When all the boys flew the American flags to school and parked by the highway.” Logan’s advice to underclassmen is, “Have fun in high school but take class seriously. Everyday you wake up is a blessing. Be nice to the teachers and they will take care of you.” We are proud of you Logan! The administrators, teachers, and staff at NCHS wish you the very best in your life journey beyond high school. Congratulations! #ThunderbirdProud

Senior Spotlight
NCHS Senior Spotlight: Bryce’s future plans are to do an electrician apprenticeship through port-a-king building systems in Montgomery City. His favorite memory in high school was, ” moving to North Callaway my senior year to meet new life long friends. ” Bryce’s advice to underclassmen is, ” Don’t grow up too fast. Enjoy your high school years and enjoy coming to school everyday to see your friends. Also, play as many sports as you can. They all come to an end faster than you’d like for them too.” We are very proud of you Bryce. The teachers, staff, and administrators wish you the very best in your life journey beyond high school. Congratulations! #ThunderbirdProud

Senior Spotlight
NCHS Senior Spotlight: Christian’s plans after high school are to attend State Tech and study electrical technology. His favorite memory in high school was, ” my one hand interception to clinch the win against south Callaway for the Callaway Cup my Junior year!” Christian’s advice to underclassmen is, “get involved and don’t rush through high school. Take everything in because it goes by quick. ” We are very proud of you Christian. The teachers, staff, and administrators at NCHS wish you the very best in your life journey beyond high school. Congratulations! #ThunderbirdProud

Baseball in Louisiana
Baseball in Louisiana! Picture credit Mexico Ledger. Pitcher Christian Griffith. #ThunderbirdProud