Senior Spotlight
NCHS Senior Spotlight: After high school, Isaac will be leaving for Army Boot Camp in June. His favorite memory in high school was, “Messing around in Coach Boulware’s class, lifting weights, and running.” Isaac’s advice to underclassmen is, “Don’t take stuff too seriously. It’s only four years of your life.” We are very proud of you Isaac. The teachers, administrators, and staff wish you the very best in your life journey beyond high school. Congratulations! #ThunderbirdProud

Senior Spotlight
NCHS Senior Spotlight: After high school, Julie plans to attend Paul Mitchell School of Cosmetology. Her favorite memory in high school is, “Graduating will be my favorite memory.” Julie’s advice to underclassmen is, “Stay positive!” We are proud of you Julie! The teachers, staff, and administrators wish you the very best in your life journey beyond high school.” Congratulations! #ThunderbirdProud

Senior Spotlight
NCHS Senior Spotlight: After graduation, Tristan will attend college and wants to become a teacher. His favorite memory of high school is, “The end of school my senior year.” Tristan’s advice to underclassmen is, “Get in activities and it will go by so quickly.” We are very proud of you Tristan. The administrators, teachers, and staff wish you the very best in your life journey beyond high school. Congratulations! #ThunderbirdProud

Senior Spotlight
NCHS Senior Spotlight: Drew’s future plans attending college at some point. His favorite memory in high school was, “Pole vaulting in track!” Drew’s advice to underclassmen is, “Sometimes it’s best if you don’t use your head. Use your hands to show how good you are.” We are so proud of you Drew. The staff, teachers, and administrators wish you all the best in your life journey beyond high school. Congratulations! #ThunderbirdProud

Senior Spotlight
NCHS Senior Spotlight: Austin’s plan after high school is to attend Mizzou’s Personal financial Planning Program. His favorite memory in high school was, “Finally being able to play baseball again after Covid.” Austin’s advice to underclassmen is, ” Get your work done ahead of time. The rest of your time is for you.” We are so proud of you Austin! The teachers, staff, and administrators wish you the very best in your life journey beyond high school. Congratulations! #ThunderbirdProud

Senior Spotlight
NCHS Senior Spotlight: Adam’s plans after high school are to get into the work force. His favorite memory in high school was, “Playing video games in the after school program.” Adam’s advice to underclassmen is, “Don’t mess up and pay attention to everything that happens in life.” We are proud of you Adam. The administrators, teachers, and staff wish you the very best in your life journey beyond high school. Congratulations. #ThunderbirdProud