2022 Senior Spotlight: Kaelyn’s favorite memory in high school was being in the marching band! Kaelyn says, “Marching band has been one of the best activities I have done. I have made so many new friends and lifelong friends through my four years.” The thing that has made Kaelyn the most Thunderbird Proud is being a part of the marching band at football games. We are always the loudest cheering our Thunderbirds on!!!! Her legacy advice to underclassmen is, ” Don’t wait to get involved. Before you know it these 4 years will be gone and you’re out in the big world. Don’t be afraid of what other people are gonna think. ” Kaelyn’s plans after high school are to attend Glasgow University in Scotland and go to nursing school. We are very proud of you Kaelyn! The teachers, staff, and administrators at NCHS wish you the very best in your journey beyond high school! Congratulations! #ThunderbirdProud