FFA Announces Officers

Tonight we had 15 amazing students apply for FFA Officer positions within our chapter. It takes a lot of courage and dedication to do what these students did. Regardless of whether or not you received an office, you should all feel proud of yourselves for taking the time to step out of your comfort zone for a chance at receiving an office. Again, we are very proud of you all!

The 2016-2017 North Callaway FFA Officer Team:

President- Chayla Hoffman
Vice President- Skyler Barker
Secretary- Samantha Reifsteck
Treasurer- Aren Schleiermacher
Sentinel- Levi Gilman
Reporter- Amariah Ferguson
Historians- Allison Sims & Emily Korff
Parliamentarian- Christa Gilman
Chaplain- Justus Love

FFA Banquet Info!

You are invited to the

North Callaway FFA




Friday, May 13th

6:00 PM

at the

North Callaway High School Cafeteria


Official Dress is required for FFA members


The meal will be provided

Strong Showing at Conference Track Meet

The Boys team placed 5th out of 11 at the EMO track Meet while the Girls placed 4th out of 11 teams. Erinn Bush was named conference Thrower of the Year and Reyna Schmauch was conference Distance runner of the Year. Will Crawford won the Pole Vault with a vault of 12 feet.  So many different athletes finished with their best performance of the season. Congrats and keep making us Thunderbird Proud!


Once again our FFA proved they were outstanding by their showing at the State Convention.

Congratulations to Ms. Chayla Hoffman for earning a spot on the 2016-2017 Area IV Officer Team!

We will find out which office she received at the Area IV banquet next week.

Great job Chayla!


Congratulations to the following students for their successes at the Missouri FFA State Convention:


Nursery & Landscaping: 1st Place
-Cassidy Jones
-Amariah Ferguson
-Levi Gilman
-Kaycee Sims

Floriculture: 2nd Place
-Chayla Hoffman
-Sierra Lee
-Skyler Barker
-Samantha Reifsteck

Dairy Foods: 16th Place
-Jenna Leible
-Emily Korff
-Allison Sims
-Christa Gilman

Proficiency Awards

Kenny Taylor- 2nd Place Ag. Communications

Zac Abell- 1st Place Ag. Sales

Cassidy Jones- Area 4 winner in Beef Production

Braden Shramek- Area 4 winner in Diversified Crop Production

Hunter Riecke- Area 4 winner in Specialty Animal Production