Callaway Kids Bank Board Meeting
Callaway Kids Bank Board Meeting was held virtually today. Kaleigh Moore was elected Board Commissioner and Trevor Ray was elected Board Communications Officer! Congratulations to both! #ThunderbirdProud

Learning to Observe
Mrs. Eichman’s Drama Students learning how to observe. #ThunderbirdProud

Zip, Zap, Zop!

It’s a great day to play Zip, Zap, Zop in Mrs. Eichman’s Drama Class! #ThunderbirdProud
Student Led “Meet You At The Pole”
Student led “See You At The Pole” was held this morning. The students did a wonderful job! #ThunderbirdProud

Amazing Office Aides
Mikayla Pennell, Erica Woods, Kaleigh Moore, Kearah Moyle, Makenna Allen, and Hayley Kimbley!