Deputy Madness
Mark your calendars. March 20th at 6:00 pm.
Callaway Kids Bank
Coach Randolph’s Business & Marketing students serving on the Callaway Kids Bank Board of Directors. Today’s virtual meeting for the month of January. Kaleigh Moore, Chairman of the Board and Trevor Ray, Communications Officer. #ThunderbirdProud
Courtwarming T-Shirts are on SALE now!
Courtwarming T-shirts are on sale now! Courtwarming is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 13th. The North Callaway Thunderbirds will take on the Mark Twain Tigers! Coronation of the 2021 Courtwarming King and Queen will follow the boys’ varsity game. Please join us for a fun evening.
NCHS Represents at Cattlemen’s Convetion!
Kaleigh, a MoBeef Academy member, shared her outreach opportunity experience “Pasture to Plate” curriculum with Hatton McCredie elementary 5th graders at the Cattlemen’s Convention. Excellent work Kaleigh! #ThunderbirdProud