National Honor Society-HS
National Honor Society Inductions
NHS Inductees: Lydia Baker, Matthew Blair, Arieaunna Brewer, Kenzie Eaker, Allie Flynn, Haley Garrett, Zeke Gilman,Christian Griffith, Jadyn Huddleston, Piper and Rachael Jeffries, Amber Jenkins, Kyanne Kellerman, Hayley Kimbley, Billie Owen, Drew Rohrbach, Ryelle Schmauch, Jenny Selby, and Blake Whipple. Congratulations, we are very PROUD of you. #ThunderbirdProud

National Honor Society
National Honor Society inductees were recognized & celebrated today! New members will be inducted next week. Congrats! #ThunderbirdProud

NHS Collects Can Goods!
399 food items were collected this week and will be shared between NCHS and SERVE. Top four classes were Mr. Womack, Library, Ms. Houchins, and Mr. Boulware. (Pics are NHS members) #ThunderbirdProud

Canned-Food Drive
Can you help out by donating a canned-food item? #ThunderbirdProud