After their win last night against Hermann, our NCHS Thunderbirds will play for the Championship in the South Callaway Basketball Tournament against Montgomery County Saturday at 5:30. Good Luck TBirds! #ThunderbirdProud
Student Athlete of the Week!
NCHS Thunderbird, Cody Lee, is the 13KRCG Student Athlete of the Week! Congratulations Cody! #ThunderbirdProud
Courtwarming is Coming…Get Your T-Shirts Ordered!
Courtwarming is coming! Get your Courtwarming T-shirts ordered! #ThunderbirdProud
Senior Wrestlers
NCHS Senior Wrestlers, Jadon Henry and Scylor Shirley. We have enjoyed watching you at NCHS! #ThunderbirdProud
2020 NCHS Courtwarming Court!
Congratulations to our 2020 NCHS Courtwarming Candidates and Attendants! King and Queen Candidates will be crowned at the Courtwarming game on Friday, Jan. 24th. #ThunderbirdProud
Today in Afterschool Program!
Today at the Afterschool Program!!! Letterman’s Club, Quiz Bowl, Drama Club, Must See Movies, T-Bird Support/Media Center and Weight Training. #ThunderbirdProud
NCHS Coaches Spreading Holiday Cheer!
Some great NCHS Coaches! Head Coach, Matt Miller and Assistant Coaches, Joey Mueller and Zeth Lavy! #ThunderbirdProud
NCHS Grapplers at MMA
Some great wrestling at MMA tonight! #ThunderbirdProud