2022 Senior Spotlight: Most of Sophia’s favorite memories are based around music. In her words, ” I loved going on all of the field trips and making friends with people in and outside of our conference. Every Friday night was the best when we all just went crazy in the stands. It got to the point where we weren’t even cheering for the football team anymore but using the time to make good music and spend time with our favorite people. “The NCHS arts program makes Sophia the most Thunderbird Proud. She states, “We have an amazing performing arts program. From the Drama productions to the Art shows and the music made, the arts program is definitely something to be Thunderbird Proud of! I don’t think I would be friends with half of the people I am friends with if it weren’t for Band, Choir, and Drama.” Sophia’s legacy advice to underclassmen is, ” Get involved. High school will not be fun if you do not find something to make your time worth it. There are so many organizations to be a part of, find your place and your people. ” After high school, Sophia will be attending Northwest Missouri State University to become a music educator. She has this to say, “I am excited to help people become as passionate about music as I am. I chose this career because band and choir are very important to me and I want to keep these things part of my daily life. At some point, I would like to direct bands and choirs at a professional level and learn more about what I can do to better myself as a musician. ” We are extremely proud of you Sophia! The teachers, staff, and administrators wish you the very best in your life journey beyond high school. Congratulations! #ThunderbirdProud