2022 Senior Spotlight: Monica has this to say about her favorite memories in school, “My favorite memory in grade school has definitely got to be the time when Ben Mattes broke my pinkie while playing a dodge ball game. My favorite memory in high school would definitely be freshman gym class with Coach Wells.” FFA made Monica the most Thunderbird Proud. “FFA really helped me get out of my comfort zone and try new things. ” Her advice to underclassmen is, “Try your hardest in everything you do and be nice to everyone you know. You don’t know what that person has in store for their life, so leave a good mark on it.” Monica’s plan after high school is to go to school for business, and she plans on owning her own business.” We are very proud of you Monica! The staff, teachers, and administrators wish you the very best in your life journey beyond high school. Congratulations! #ThunderbirdProud