2022 Senior Spotlight: In Karlie’s own words….My favorite memory in my school years was definitely my time on the field with the band, every moment was exhilarating and amazing. In saying that, being apart of band and partaking in every single event is what makes me the most Thunderbird Proud. After high school, I plan to stray a little from music for I am going to college for criminal justice and psychology. Despite this choice in career, music will always be there. My advice for you underclassmen is, “No matter what it is and no matter what people tell you, always do what you love. Forever follow YOUR passions, and be yourself , even if it goes against social norms.” Karlie, we are very proud of you! The teachers, staff, and administrators want to wish you the very best in your life journey beyond high school. Congratulations! #ThunderbirdPoud