Mr. Jobe took time out of his busy schedule to teach students in Ms. Harper’s classes about job interviews, creating a great resume, and professionalism. Mock interviews were a great way to learn the interviewing process! #ThunderbirdProud

Mr. Jobe took time out of his busy schedule to teach students in Ms. Harper’s classes about job interviews, creating a great resume, and professionalism. Mock interviews were a great way to learn the interviewing process! #ThunderbirdProud
It wasn’t the way they wanted the game to end, but these lady athletes played their hearts out! We have enjoyed watching you ladybirds! Good Luck to our Senior Ladies! Always #ThunderbirdProud
If you are planning on attending the district softball game you need to fill out this form for MSHSAA. Here is the link.
Teachers and staff celebrating Disability Awareness Spirt Week! #ThunderbirdProud