NCHS Senior Spotlight: From Alex Higgins…
My favorite memories about high school would be both times we won the Callaway Cup and running out onto the field with the team celebrating. In grade school it would probably be going to the zoo on a field trip or Autonburg days and the discussions we would have with Mrs. Maddox. In high school I’ve been a part of several clubs but the one that make me the most Thunderbird Proud was StuCo. Through being a part of Student Council at North Callaway I have been able to meet so many people from other schools and create many memories, but also appreciate North Callaway and the charm it has. Also I was able to bring new ideas and have a lot of fun planning events for my fellow students. I loved seeing and making others happy! To the underclassmen, I made it a point to go into high school wanting to be a part of as many things as possible to make as many great memories as possible no matter if it made me get out of my comfort zone, if it scared me, or if it was hard. Since my senior year has been interrupted and maybe ended I have realized that while I wish to have had those last memories and moments, I have had so many great moments that I know if I don’t get the lasts, I will have still had an amazing high school experience. The teachers and staff at North Callaway consist of some great people that truly care about you and want you to have a good experience. So, work hard and show up to everything you can! Clubs and sports at North Callaway have brought me so much joy and bonds with people. Don’t be afraid to get out there! Having that courage to do stuff that may make you uncomfortable like trying musicals, going to StuCo camp, or even going to watch a basketball game, will bring you happiness. Those little things will add up, and you can sleep when you’re dead, so don’t miss out! And you still have time! These are the last years you have to truly be a kid. At this time in your lives, you have the least responsibility compared to the rest of your lives ahead. Go out, have fun, and experience life! When you’re a senior be able to look back and say you had a great time. That there was way more good in your life than bad. P.S. keep your grades up though because they set you up for the rest of your life and bad grades means you miss out on the fun! From the awesomest senior, Alex Higgins
Great advice. We are so PROUD of you Alex! Congratulations! The teachers, staff, and administration wish you much success in your life journey beyond high school! #ThunderbirdProud