Such great opportunities for our students…. Coach Randolph and FBLA students on their trip to Mizzou campus! #ThunderbirdProud

Such great opportunities for our students…. Coach Randolph and FBLA students on their trip to Mizzou campus! #ThunderbirdProud
The Afterschool STEM class made some good progress on the RC track yesterday, and we hope to drive on it today (if the weather cooperates!) #ThunderbirdProud
Lot’s of learning going on in the halls of NCHS…..Spanish class learning Spanish prepositions with kinestetic learning style and Biology classes are learning about the function of transport in animal and plant structures! #ThunderbirdProud
Congratulations to the band on a 3rd place finish this weekend at the Southern Boone Marching Classic! One more show in Harrisonville this weekend. Best of luck in your last week of the season! #ThunderbirdProud
Callaway Kids Bank Board of Directors meeting. The board met with leaders from the Super Sam Foundation and Serve. Plans were made to assist and support both organizations.
Ms. Harper’s English students enjoying their fieldtrip to Hannibal, home of Mark Twain! #ThunderbirdProud
The “Meet” Ball Dinner was a success! We enjoyed all of the NCHS families who joined us! #ThunderbirdProud
A BIG Shout Out to a great community that came out and helped North Callaway School District’s Transportation Department continue to improve bus safety. (National Bus Safety Week!) #ThunderbirdProud
Parent/Teacher Conferences tomorrow (Monday, October 21) 12:00 – 8:00 p.m.. Join us for dinner too! #ThunderbirdProud