Deputy Carey losing the typing battle in Coach Randolph’s Computer Applications class! Nitrotype Typing Skillbuilding Game! #ThunderbirdProud

Deputy Carey losing the typing battle in Coach Randolph’s Computer Applications class! Nitrotype Typing Skillbuilding Game! #ThunderbirdProud
The North Callaway Booster Club will be live streaming the Thunderbird Football Game tonight at Lincoln. It will live stream on the North Callaway Athletic Booster Club Facebook Page. If you can’t make it to the game, cheer the Thunderbirds on by watching the live stream! #ThunderbirdProud
NCHS DEPARTMENT SPOTLIGHT: Administrators (Main) Office: Coach Kevin O’Neal, Activities Director, Ms. Erikka Brown, Assistant Principal, Ms. Michaelle Fohey, Administrative Assistant/Social Media, Mr. Brian Jobe, Principal. #ThunderbirdProud
It’s a l m o s t…………FRIDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL!!! #ThunderbirdProud
NCHS Students…..start collecting your pennies! #ThunderbirdProud
NCHS Department Spotlight: Library/Media Center: Mr. Justin Hamm, District Librarian, Resident Poet and Photographer, and Ms. Shilo O’Neal, Library Aide. #ThunderbirdProud
Please, no selfies with the pass! #ThunderbirdProud