NCHS Thunderbirds Rocked their Socks for Downs Syndrome Awareness! #ThunderbirdProud

NCHS Thunderbirds Rocked their Socks for Downs Syndrome Awareness! #ThunderbirdProud
A&P students enjoyed a forensic science presentation, a little time at the StL Science Center, and a great lunch! #ThunderbirdProud
Congrats to this Thunderbird Athlete for breaking the discus school record and improving his school shot put record! #ThunderbirdProud
Golf Season has begun! Good Luck Thunderbirds! #ThunderbirdProud
Seniors: Jostens will be delivering your graduation cap and gowns this Thursday, March 21st 7:30 – 8:15am. If you have not paid you may bring cash or money order on Thursday or pay online at:<
Lined up for some NCHS Baseball! GO TBIRDS!!! #ThunderbirdProud
If you would like to purchase a North Callaway Basketball EMO Conference Championship T-Shirt, please contact Coach Miller. Shirts will be $10, there are a variety of sizes left. First come, first serve. #ThunderbirdProud
Rock Your Socks for World Down Syndrome Day – 3/21. Show your support by wearing brightly colored socks, mismatched socks, or even extra socks to signify the extra chromosome individuals with Down syndrome have. #ThunderbirdProud