TBird Teacher Feature: Meet Kevin O’Neal, Algebra/Geometry teacher and Head Football Coach at NCHS. Coach is a homegrown boy, growing up here in North Callaway country he graduated form NCHS with the class of 1994. He is married to wife Kari and has two boys, Braydn and Coltyn who attend Auxvasse Elementary. Coach holds the Missouri state football record for tackles in a game. In his second year of college (after first wanting to be an engineer) coach realized he liked helping other students with their math. He always knew he wanted to be involved with sports, so being a math teacher and coach seemed like the path to take. When asked if there was a special person that influenced his decision to become a teacher, Coach O’neal had this to say, “I am fortunate that I get to work with the person that had a big influence in my decision to become a teacher. Coach Emmons has been a big influence in my life and continues to be a mentor to me.” Coach enjoys working with the students at NCHS and states, “I look forward to continuing to help the students and community of North Callaway be proud of our school.” Loyal is the one word that Coach said would describe him best. Being a homegrown Thunderbird, coach describes Thunderbird Proud as “supporting each other and working together as a family to be the best we can be.” Something you might not know about Coach is that he played tenor saxaphone in the high school band and in his senior year his saxaphone quartet received a 1 rating at state competition. He has also played bass guitar and drums in the praise band at his chrch. North Callaway is very fortunate to have Kevin O’neal part of the Thunderbird family!#ThunderbirdProud