On Feb 3rd, Elsberry had an “Orange Out” to raise money for a kindergarten girl with an inoperable Brain tumor. North Callaway Students, Faculty, and Coaches chipped in to raise $1007 for their cause. STUCO President Amariah Ferguson and Vice President Samantha Schaefer presented them with the check. Words cannot express how incredibly forunate we are to be associated with the North Callaway Students, Faculty, and Coaches. Below are a few correspondences we received from the Elsberry administration.
What a supremely kind and selfless gesture on the part of your students to donate to Elsberry’s Orange Out the Night benefit for the Long family. Please extend my gratitude and appreciation to the student body and all involved. It was a very classy act. The spirit of community giving always restores my faith in humanity. Thank you again.
Jason Miller,
Elsberry Middle School Principal