Basketball Jamboree assists Buddy Pack Program

On SaturdayPeanut Butter November 21st, North Callaway hosted a Boys Basketball Jamboree.  Fans were asked to bring jars of Peanut Butter or make a monetary donation to help the Callaway County Buddy Pack Program. Results were impressive.

123 Jars of peanut Butter

8 Bottles of Nestle Quick

1  4-pack of Apple Sauce
1 Can of Soup
$278 in Monetary Donations
Thanks to everyone for helping out!

NC Athletes Reaching out!

Our Girls Basketball Players are ready to come to a classroom!  They are planning on coming Dec 4th (Friday) from 9:30-10:30.  The girls will leave the HS around 9:00, head to a pre-school or Elementary  classroom, and be with the students for about 30 minutes to an hour.  This is a great opportunity for the High School student/athletes to have a Positive influence on the younger students. During that time, the Athletes will assist the Teacher in whatever way the Teacher wishes.



North Callaway Bookfair Schedule

12:15—1:15 PM Meet the T-bird in the Children’s Section

12:30—1:00 PM Choir Performs near Main Entrance

1:00—1:30 PM Cheerleaders Story Time in the Children’s Section

1:30—2:00 PM Drama Club in the Media Section

2:30—3:00 PM Wrestlers and Volleyball Story Time

12:00—4:00 PM Student Art on Display

12:00—4:00 PM Found Poetry Station

12:00—3:00 PM Gift Wrapping

book fair