Directions to Clopton HS below. Basically you go to Bowling Green, turn South on US 61, then turn left onto WW. About 15 miles of winding roads and DEER. drive safe and see you at the game!
0.1 miTurn onto US-54 E
17.8 miTurn right onto US-54
18.5 miBear right onto US-54
Pass Shell in 8.6 mi
- 25.1 miTake ramp right and follow signs for US-61 South
9.3 miTurn left onto MO-WW
8.2 miArrive at 28176 Highway Ww, Clarksville, MO 63336
If you reach County Road 9234, you’ve gone too far
Clopton High School
28176 Highway Ww, Clarksville, MO 63336
(573) 242-3546