The competitive cheer squad competed at regionals in Moberly MO. They earned a 4th place finish and are now qualified for the state competition in November. Congratulations and way to be THUNDERBIRD PROUD!
Month: July 2015
Food Handling Class Offered
The booster club is offering a food handling class Monday August 3rd. Class will be at the High School cafeteria (6:00 PM) Attending this class allows you to serve food at athletic events. The Booster Club would appreciate your assistance in the concession stands as they work very hard to provide our athletes and coaches with great equipment and facilities.
The Thunderbird Football Team will be having their first annual give back to the community Saturday the 18th. They will be working in Auxvasse at the park. Players that can attend need to be at the park at 2:00. They will be helping with mulch on the playground and re potting 4 flower pots on Main Street. There will be a bonfire afterwards. If you have any questions, you can email Coach O’Neal or call Milo Henry.

Parent/Player Fall Rules Meeting Announced
The fall parent/player rules meeting will be Thursday July 23rd. The meeting will be at the High School Football Stadium at 7:30 PM. Anyone involved in any fall sport (grades 7-12) is encouraged to attend.